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KaMPIng: Flexible and (Near) Zero-overhead C++ Bindings for MPI

arXiv pdf code


The Message-Passing Interface (MPI) and C++ form the backbone of high-performance computing, but MPI only provides C and Fortran bindings. While this offers great language interoperability, high-level programming languages like C++ make software development quicker and less error-prone. We propose novel C++ language bindings that cover all abstraction levels from low-level MPI calls to convenient STL-style bindings, where most parameters are inferred from a small subset of parameters, by bringing named parameters to C++. This enables rapid prototyping and fine-tuning runtime behavior and memory management. A flexible type system and additional safeness guarantees help to prevent programming errors. By exploiting C++’s template-metaprogramming capabilities, this has (near) zero-overhead, as only required code paths are generated at compile time. We demonstrate that our library is a strong foundation for a future distributed standard library using multiple application benchmarks, ranging from text-book sorting algorithms to phylogenetic interference.


  author    = {Demian Hespe and Lukas Hübner and Florian Kurpicz and Peter Sanders and Matthias Schimek and Daniel Seemaier and Christoph Stelz and Tim Niklas Uhl},
  title     = {KaMPIng: Flexible and (Near) Zero-overhead C++ Bindings for MPI},
  year      = {2024}